Saturday, March 3, 2012

More on what it turns out was not chronic vomiting due to anxiety or psychogenic vomiting.

Part of what was difficult as a parent was that it seemed like none of the doctors really believed me that the vomiting was effortless. They treated me as if that point was irrelevant. In the end this was the key to the diagnosis.

In late March 2011 my daughter had a stomach virus that caused her to vomit. The virus subsided after a couple days, but the vomiting continued. For six months in 2011 my daughter suffered from frequent daily vomiting. Literally everything she ate or drank came back up within 50 minutes. It went undiagnosed until late September 2011.

She suffered through dozens of doctors visits at Chicago’s two top pediatric hospitals including among the most reputable GI doctors, neurologists, and opthamologists, psychiatrists and psychologists. She took numerous labs, x-rays, time-lapsed x-ray studies, an MRI, and even a surgical procedure (endoscopy).

It was only after I video taped the moment that the vomiting occurred and emailed it to a pediatric neurologist friend that it was immediately diagnosed. The key to the diagnosis was that the video showed that the vomiting was effortless. There was no heaving, nausea, just a sudden appearance of vomit in her mouth. In the video she was in the middle of talking to me when her cheeks filled with vomit.

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